One of the flagship products of Unicity is Clearstart, a 30-day detoxing program for healthy insides. The Chinese have a saying, 祸从口出,病从口入, meaning we get into trouble with the words that come out of our mouth, but our sickness is caused by what goes into our mouth (the food we eat). Which is also consistent with the age-old saying of, "we are what we eat".
Studies have shown that most diseases start because we do not have a healthy digestive system. Can you imagine the drainage pipe of a 10-20 year old apartment? Although we don't see the inside of the pipe, we know that there is a high chance of dust, hair, dirt, and whatever muck getting stuck to the interior walls. What more our digestive system? How can there be effective absorption of nutrients when things are blocking the walls of our digestive tracts?
The pictures below shows the colon before and after undergoing Unicity's Clearstart program. I have personally tried it and omg, the smell and the amount that came out in the first few days... shan't elaborate much, haha.
The answer is a simple, detoxing is absolutely necessary for your best health – balanced energy, glowing skin, healthy sex drive, good sleep, weight loss and more. Now more than ever, we are exposed to toxins from the lotions we put on our skin every day, the toothpaste we brush with, the air that we breathe, additives and preservatives in our food supply, pesticides, plastics, and negative thoughts – yes, stress promotes a toxic and acidic body. Source: Joyous Health.
Clearstart 30-Day Cleansing Program is a revolutionary system to rid your body of wastes, unwanted organisms and to keep your gastrointestinal system running smoothly. Clearstart contains LiFiber, Nature’s Tea and Paraway Plus. Used together as instructed, these three products provide an intensive 30-day digestive cleansing program.
ClearStart30 contains a carefully chosen combination of natural ingredients that neutralizes and dislodges toxins, waste, and parasites and removes them from your body. We recommend using ClearStart on a quarterly basis — perhaps with each change of season. Think of it as spring-cleaning your body from the inside. ClearStart should be your first step in any health, weight management, or beauty regimen.
Add on Super Chlorophyll and you'll get even better results.
كورس مكملات غذائية لتنظيف القولون آمن للاشخاص العاديين ( غير المرضى ) شخصيا جربته وجدته فعال جداً فاحببت أنفع به الناس
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